Cancer Support Switzerland is here for anyone affected by cancer, but we cannot do it without your help. With all our services being offered free of charge, we rely on the generosity of people like you to ensure our doors will always be open to those who need our support. 

With your help, we can be there for people living with cancer as well as their loved ones and caregivers.  

There are different ways that you can donate to support our work: 

Give monthly

Your monthly donations keep us going! When you join our monthly giving programme, you are joining an amazing community of people who provide ongoing support in English to people affected by cancer in Switzerland neighbouring regions.

A regular gift of CHF 50 per month will allow three people to participate in cancer support groups.

Donate now

Your donation today will go directly to helping us be there for people affected by cancer.

A donation of CHF 120 will provide one hour of one-to-one counselling by a qualified professional counsellor to a person affected by cancer.

Give in memory

Supporting Cancer Support Switzerland in memory of a loved one is a touching way to celebrate their life, honour their memory and create a lasting legacy.

Each gift we receive will help people with cancer, their families and caregivers to receive support, and access our warm and caring community.

Leave a gift in your will

Having an up-to-date will is important to ensure what you leave behind will go to the people and causes you care about, giving you peace of mind, and helping your loved ones understand your wishes.

There are several options to include a gift to Cancer Support Switzerland in your will. If you would like more information and support on how to do this, please contact us at donations@cancersupport.ch

We thank you for donating to Cancer Support Switzerland!

If you are paying to renew your membership, please click HERE to make your payment.

Please note in the comments box below if your donation is a gift attributed to someone or something specific.

If paying by TWINT, please select “TWINT/Bank Transfer” as your payment method, click “Donate Now” and you will receive an email with our bank details, as well as a TWINT code.

*Note: The “Make this donation monthly” option will only work when paying by Credit card or PayPal. There is a recurring payment option built into TWINT, and with bank transfer, you can set up a standing order in your bank settings.  Thank you!


Select Payment Method
Personal Info

Is this a general donation to support our work? If you wish to dedicate this donation in memory of someone, please see below.
Are you supporting a fundraiser? Required
I would like to dedicate this donation


If you are making your donation using e-banking or TWINT, you will receive an email with our bank details and a TWINT code after you have clicked Donate Now below.

Please help us by noting the reason for your donation. If you do not receive an email with this information, please contact us: Donations


Donation Total: CHF 50 One Time