Our library is available for all: people with cancer, caregivers, volunteers, peer supporters, counsellors, therapists and more.
We have a collection of some 300 books in English at the Drop-in Centre to cater to the needs and interests of those touched by cancer. Books cover a variety of subjects and are arranged on the shelves by the broad subject categories listed below.
There are two lists to help you find individual titles: one is arranged by the subject and the other by the author. We also have books for children as well as a small collection of DVDs.
Come to the library to browse and borrow any one of them (see library procedures). Please feel free to recommend any titles you would like added to the library. If you are interested in reviewing any of these titles, please contact either Gisèle Laliberté or Sandra Oakley at library@cancersuppor.ch.
Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:00 to 13:00
Cancer Support Centre
Château du Grand-Saconnex (ground floor)
Chemin Auguste-Vilbert 14
1218 Le Grand-Saconnex
+41 (0) 22 723 20 08
The two books mentioned above are new additions to our library’s collection on dealing with loss. If you want to find out more about the assistance we provide for those who are grieving, simply click on this link.
If there is a particular book you are looking for, don’t hesitate to contact the librarians at library@cancersupport.ch.
Click here to view a full list of our library books by subject.
Books may be borrowed for an initial period of six weeks. On request, loans may be renewed for a further period of six weeks by sending an email to library@cancersupport.ch. Four books may be borrowed at one time.
(1) Take the library card from the back of the book and enter name, date and telephone number.
(2) File the card in alphabetical order by name of author in the small file box marked LIBRARY BOOKS on loan.
(1) Take the library card from the small file box and cross out the name. Return the card to the back of the book.
(2) Shelve the book according to the catalogue number or, if unsure, leave it on the table to be processed and shelved by one of the librarians.
We’ve also compiled an Online Resource list of reliable and up-to-date cancer information websites for patients, families and carers below.
The Oncolexic is an English-French phrasebook developed specifically to help cancer patients whose first language is not French to discuss their cancer treatment with their healthcare providers.
We have a comprehensive collection of relevant Macmillan Cancer Support booklets which can be consulted in the library on a reference basis. They provide a wealth of information on different cancers and treatments, and are really helpful for patients, carers and family members.
We no longer have copies which can be checked out, but the booklets can easily be downloaded from the Macmillan website.
website: be.macmillan.org.uk
Check out our podcast recommendations. Please contact the librarians at library@cancersupport.ch if you have a recommendation to share.
Château du Grand-Saconnex
(ground floor)
Chemin Auguste-Vilbert 14
1218 Le Grand-Saconnex