Book Descriptions

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By Janie Brown
Janie Brown, oncology nurse of thirty years and counsellor of cancer patients with terminal diagnoses, recounts twenty conversations she has had with the dying; including those personally close to her.
8BRO (Grieving, Bereavement, Death)
Year added: 2020
By Sarah Russell
This recovery programme is full of encouraging advice for any cancer patient and includes healthy eating as well. These are great practical guidelines for a full recovery.
2co RUS Specific Cancers: Colon Cancer
Year added: 2020
By BJ Miller and Shoshana Berger
This is a practical book which provides a wealth of useful, thoughtfully presented information for patients, family members, caregivers and friends. It is easy to navigate, both through the quirky illustrations and the thought-provoking titles, headings and subheadings of each chapter, which help readers to locate the answers to their
MIL (Grieving, Bereavement, Death)
Year added: 2020
By Victoria Landes
Caregivers must adapt to the variety of changes that accompany a diagnosis. This book is intended to serve as an expansive resource for caregivers as they learn both for their loved ones and for themselves.
6LAN Coping with Cancer, Care and Families
Year added: 2022
By Janice Post-White
Her memoir shares her son’s perspective as a young cancer patient and teen survivor and explores her own personal and professional insights on survivorship, resilience, healing and what facing death can teach us about living.
6POS Coping with Cancer, Care and Families
Year added: 2022
By Deborah James
Deborah James dedicated her life to helping others… with this book she will reach so many more, providing rebellious hope to the darkest of nights, and quite possibly changing how we think about death forever.
9JAM Life Journeys
Year added: 2022
By David A. Olle
This book provides questions and answers about the characteristics of cancer diagnosis, classifications, surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, adoptive cell therapy, and more.
2OLL General Cancer
Year added: 2022
By Steven Eisenberg
Not many books are written by the oncologists themselves about delivering such news and Dr. Eisenberg reveals much of himself, his own struggles as a doctor, and his growing depths of understanding and empathy. He has an innate understanding of what is required from the doctor when one receives such
6EIS Coping with Cancer: Care and Families
By Anne Katz
This book provides an accessible, sensitive and evidence-based resource for partners, parents and family members who are caring for adolescents and young adults with cancer.
6KAT Coping with Cancer: care and families
By Cathy Koning
The author said she decided “to call her cancer the little c rather than the Big C. She wasn’t giving it that much power over her life”. However her battle with Acute Myeloid Leukemia proved a difficult and long one involving a stem-cell transplant especially as she had a severe
9KON Life Journeys
By Erin Soto
It offers readers struggling with illness or searching for peace in the wake of personal tragedy, a path to find meaning in their darkest moments, The Mother of All Fights is both a deeply personal story and practical roadmap for thriving in the face of uncertainty and loss”
9SOT Life Journeys
By Dionne Detraz
Dionne Detraz is an Integrative Dietician with more than 10 years’ experience of supporting people through their cancer journeys, helping both patients and caregivers to explore the relationship between cancer and nutrition, as well as the crucial roles that compassion and self-care play in their lives. No matter what your
3DET Food and Nutrition